Every Tuesday at 2:00 pm, Worksystems will host a webinar for laid off workers to go over unemployment insurance, health care, and other resources to help you through this pandemic. This page contains resources that will be reviewed during the webinar. Staff will be on hand to answer your questions!
To request a webinar, contact Roland Chlapowski.
- National layoff aversion programs and emergency small business grants and loans available through the Small Business Administration (Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Disaster Emergency Grants, etc.). This information will be presented by staff from the local Small Business Development Center.
- Local/State emergency small business grants and loans. This information will be presented by staff from Prosper Portland.
- Unemployment Insurance including state layoff aversion programs such as WorkShare. This information will be presented by staff from the Oregon Employment Department.
- Health insurance options and frequently asked questions. This information will be presented by staff from the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace.
- Information related to business closures and layoffs.
- Business resources to assist employers from Prosper Portland, Greater Portland Inc, Business Oregon and Oregon’s Small Business Development Center.
- Disaster assistance loans available through the Small Business Administration.
- COVID-19 scenarios and available benefits from the Bureau of Labor and industries (BOLI).
This video contains information on the WorkShare program:
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