Jennifer Medhaug
Jennifer joined Worksystems in 2008 and is now responsible for managing the information systems team. Her team is responsible for maintaining a proprietary participant performance reporting and case management database for workforce grants. They also manage two interactive job seeker web applications, My WorkSource and Prosperity Planner. All local workforce boards in Oregon have licensed with Worksystems to use these systems. In addition, several other community-based organizations and community colleges contract with Worksystems to use the database for workforce grants they receive directly. Jennifer oversees relationships with local boards and other licensees, provides insight for system development when there are new grants, manages requirements gathering and change management procedures, and directs department workflow. She is involved in many policy and business process planning workgroups with licensees and the State.
Jennifer has grown professionally at Worksystems. She’s had three positions before her promotion to Information Systems Director, including User Support & Training Specialist, Senior Project Manager, and Information Systems Business Analyst. Prior to joining Worksystems, her experience in workforce development and data management includes eight years in an administrative oversight role in the Clackamas County Youth Workforce Investment Act program. She received her Bachelor’s in Business Management and Information Systems from George Fox University and a Business Analysis certificate from Portland State University.
In her off time, she appreciates spending time with her family and friends. When hanging at home, she loves to be entertained by storytelling — set her up with a great movie, TV series, book, or podcast and she is happy.