We Are Worksystems

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that improves the quality of the workforce in the City of Portland, Multnomah and Washington counties. Our partners include employers, labor groups, government, community colleges, high schools, community-based and economic development organizations.

Who we are

Worksystems’ mission is to coordinate a regional workforce system that supports individual prosperity and business competitiveness.

In pursuit of our mission, we:

  • Invest in education, community-based and industry partners to help job seekers and workers get the skills and experiences they need to succeed.

  • Build bridges between key leaders in economic development – governments, business, labor groups, educational institutions and more – to enhance and scale the regional workforce.

  • Identify critical workforce issues and implement innovative solutions.

  • Convene industry and community input.

  • Pursue resources to support, expand, and enable best practices.

  • Align workforce development activities with regional business, economic development, and education strategies.

  • Advocate in support of policies, programs, and investments to improve the quality of workers and jobs.

  • Evaluate program quality and results.

  • Practice financial and administrative excellence.

These foundational capabilities are essential to maintaining the trust of our community and the success of our organization.

Our Team

The Worksystems team is committed to supporting workers and businesses across our region. We collaborate with businesses, labor groups, educational institutions, community-based organizations, economic developers, and public agencies to identify and address workforce challenges and create a prosperous economy where economic growth and opportunities are available to all.

Our Board

The Portland Metro Workforce Development Board (WDB) focuses on regional workforce development and related community issues in the City of Portland, and Multnomah and Washington counties.

How we make it happen

Worksystems takes a coordinated approach to developing the regional workforce.

worksystems logo
Man driving forklift in warehouse
infographic of approach to workforce development. arrow going left to right - workforce development board to worksystems to the public workforce system to successful workers and strengthened regional industry
Worksystems is funded through the U.S. Department of Labor, the Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the State of Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Prosper Portland, Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services, Multnomah County Department of Community Justice, Multnomah County, Metro, Port of Portland, TriMet, Washington County, City of Portland, City of Gresham, Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund and CareerWork$. In accordance with Federal Law providers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability. Providers are an equal opportunity program/employer/lender. Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 1-800-735-2900. To place a free relay call in Oregon, dial 711.