Worksystems is currently managing a suite of training activities – referred to as the Community Construction Training Program – that is explicitly focused on training women and people of color for the construction trades.
Through investments made by local contractors and public agencies, 278 people have been trained for a career in the construction industry over the last two years. 83% are women and people of color.
The current investors include Hoffman and JE Dunn, through their work on two Multnomah County Project Labor Agreement Projects, Metro and Mortenson on the Hyatt Convention Center Hotel, Skanska on the Port of Portland Terminal Rebalancing Workforce Partnership Agreement Project, and the City of Portland with their ongoing Economic Opportunity Program (EOP). $1.1M has been invested to date.
These investments were awarded to area certified pre-apprenticeship programs that specifically serve women and people of color including Constructing Hope, Oregon Tradeswomen, Pacific NW Carpenters Institute, Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center (POIC) and Portland YouthBuilders.
In addition to managing the program, Worksystems has leveraged other resources to support pre-apprentices while they are in training such as rent assistance and childcare for up to one year after their placement into a job in the industry.
The program is producing great outcomes and several pre-apprentice training participants have provided testimonials as to how the program has positively impacted their lives.