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Our Driving Diversity training program was featured in the national publication Resource Recycling!
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Haulers are struggling to hire enough garbage and recycling drivers even as they work to increase diversity among the ranks. Meanwhile, many low-income and homeless people – including those with criminal backgrounds and little formal education – have only dreamed about such a steady, well-paying job. Worksystems’ Driving Diversity program provides training and job placement for people who struggle to enter a career to be garbage and recycling collectors, with an emphasis on women and people of color. “It’s the most direct and clear way that we can provide qualified candidates into hauling jobs and create an opportunity for the people we serve,” said Patrick Gihring, Worksystems Chief Program Officer. “And it’s the most clear path to establish a qualified, diverse workforce.” We appreciate the comprehensive coverage summarizing the training program, the challenges participants face, and highlighting Worksystems role in developing solutions that work for both participants and employers.

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