BankWork$ is an innovative partnership between Worksystems and local financial institutions to provide free training for those interested in a career in the banking industry. The 8-week program is designed to help low-income and underserved communities prepare for in-demand jobs in financial services starting at the branch level.

You don’t need a degree or prior experience. Program participants receive occupational job training and learn the necessary soft skills to be successful in the banking industry. Ongoing coaching and mentoring to help with career advancement is also available. Graduates are prepared for all aspects of branch banking including teller skills, customer service, cash handling and financial industry regulations.

Graduate Patrick Mugaza Biseta was struggling to find employment that paid enough to cover his needs. He never considered banking and didn’t think he had the right skills to enter the field but with a little encouragement from WorkSource staff, he enrolled in the BankWork$ program and took to it immediately. He completed the program and was quickly hired by an area bank. He offered advice to prospective BankWork$ applicants. “I’ve never had any experience in the banking industry. If you are serious about making banking a long-term goal, this is a great program to enter.” When asked about his own career goal, he responded “My dream is to be the CEO of a bank!”

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