Worksystems funds and supports training for participants in the Economic Opportunity Program (EOP), an initiative to help low-income individuals develop career goals and pursue training that lead to self-sufficiency. EOP brings together various partners that provide services to low income participants as a team. This network provides participants with a multitude of on-ramps to intensive employment services. EOP customers work with Career Coaches to create career plans and access a variety of skills development, occupational training and job search assistance to obtain living-wage employment. Worksystems administers this broad network and convenes the community-based organizations (CBOs) for monthly meetings and professional development to ensure organizations are performing well as a network, sharing resources and supporting customers with multiple barriers to employment.

EOP began in 2012 with funding from the City of Portland, Prosper Portland and Worksystems in order to provide career-track training and employment services to low-income residents of Portland. Over time, the EOP program has been replicated to include other specific populations and funding partners, including Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice; A Home for Everyone and the Joint Office of Homeless Services; and the United States Department of Agriculture through the SNAP 50/50 Employment and Training grant; and the United States Department of Health and Human Services, through the Health Profession Opportunity Grant.

Current EOP programs include:

A Home for Everyone, a community-wide plan and initiative to respond to the crisis of homelessness in Multnomah County, Career Coaches serve EOP participants who are on the continuum of care for homelessness or at risk of losing their housing. Prioritized populations are those earning 0-30% of area median income (AMI) and people of color.

Health Careers NW (HCNW) supports career growth and progress in seven healthcare fields. Career Coaches offer one-on-one career coaching, career exploration in healthcare fields, supportive services and training scholarships for employer- or industry-recognized credentials as well as job search and placement assistance.

Department of Community Justice, Career Coaches serve EOP participants who on probation and/or in diversion programs.

Industry-Specific Vocational Training (ISVT) are community-based opportunities for entry-level vocational training to enter the healthcare and construction fields. This program is funded for residents of the city of Portland.

Portland EOP is the longest running portion of the EOP programs. There are programs implemented with specific subpopulations such as Professional Immigrant Credentialing program (PICP), justice-involved individuals, immigrants and refugees, populations in recovery, as well as Career Coaches who serve any local residents of the city of Portland earning 0-50% of area median income (AMI).

This dashboard represents the EOP program as a whole. Click here to see a dashboard for HCNW only.

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