BankWork$ flyer at her local library caught the eye of Star Martinez.  An unemployed single mother with teenagers and adult children, Star had applied for banking positions at branches and the call centers without success. So, she attended an information session at the WorkSource Portland Metro Gresham center and decided to apply to the 8-week program. With more than 20 years of experience in customer service, account management, call center sales and the travel industry, her goal was to start a banking career. 

During the admission process, BankWork$ program Career Navigator Sue Davis noted that, “Star truly was enthusiastic about getting into banking and having a long-term career.” Star was enrolled in BankWork$ as part of WorkSource Portland Metro’s Career Boost effort that provides focused educational and training services to people receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

Just prior to graduation, Star received two call-center offers as well as a branch position offer. She accepted the position with Wells Fargo Call Center as a Phone Banker.

In her thank you to the BankWork$ program, Star wrote: “BankWork$ is a program that helps you get your ‘foot in the vault,’ in my case ‘my foot is in the call center’. I didn’t know what to expect attending BankWork$, but … I learned that within financial institutions I have no limit on how far I can go…I definitely recommend attending a BankWork$ class if you want to join the banking industry.”

Star Martinez celebrates her BankWork$ graduation & job offers with Instructor Orin Schmitt and Career Navigator Sue Davis

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