Health care has the strongest employment growth of any industry in the Portland metro area. By 2016, the regional health care workforce is expected to expand by over 14%. While workforce supply and demand remain mostly in balance, key skill gaps exist in certain occupations. Worksystems is bringing together a broad network of partners to fill these gaps and prepare for changes in the way health care will be delivered in the coming years.

Visit our site to explore careers in health care!

We have engaged the health care industry to better understand their workforce needs and are designing programs and investing resources to meet their specific needs including:

  • Worksystems will continue to invest in coordinated training programs that meet the changing needs of our growing healthcare industry
  • We will focus on building a more diverse workforce—one that is bilingual, culturally aware, and that reflects the communities experiencing the most rapid growth
  • We will support the industry’s transition to electronic health record and data systems

The average industry wage across the metro area is $61,026

Health care offers many entry level opportunities for lower skill workers and middle skill workers.

For more information on our work with the health care industry, contact Sabrina Van Artsdalen

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