Worksystems and our partners Workforce SW Washington and Clackamas Workforce Partners are pleased to announce the launch of our 2018-2021 Healthcare Workforce Plan. The Plan was released at a celebration event today with over 40 healthcare partners in attendance.
Over the past 6 months, we convened healthcare industry professionals to identify and prioritize their specific workforce challenges and needs:
- Recruit and Retain Healthcare Professionals
- Build a Healthcare Pipeline Through Employer and Education Partnerships
- Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare
Worksystems and our partner workforce boards has developed a strategy to address each of these areas of focus and work is already underway.
We have also published our 2018 Healthcare Labor Market Report that provide information about this growing industry including employment trends, characteristics of the workforce, wages and occupational growth projections and regional training providers. Healthcare accounts for 12% of the greater Portland region’s private-sector employment with more than 110,000 jobs and a payroll of $5.9 billion. The sector is projected to grow 23% by 2024, accounting for 1-in-7 new jobs across the region over that span.