Roland Chlapowski


Roland joined Worksystems in 2016 and oversees the region’s Rapid Response services for workers affected by large layoffs. He also manages youth work experience programs on the Youth Services team and is part of the team that manages STEP grants from Oregon Department of Human Services, a program that supports job training for job seekers receiving SNAP benefits. 

Before joining Worksystems, Roland worked for 6 years in adult workforce development at the Oregon Employment Department. Prior to his time at OED, he served as a Senior Policy Director for Commissioner Sam Adams at the City of Portland, overseeing the Portland Bureau of Transportation. He has a Bachelor’s in Economics from Reed College with a focus on public policy.

Originally from the Boston area, Roland moved to Portland in 2001 to attend college and loved it so much he never left. Currently a resident of southwest Portland, he is an avid gardener and permaculture practitioner, with a focus on cultivating medicinal herbs.

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