The State of Oregon and the Portland Metro region are national leaders in adopting and supporting climate change policies and initiatives and a key strategy component is the electrification of transportation. A skilled and ready supply of workers to support the electric vehicle supply chain at all levels is essential to growing and sustaining this important industry sector.
With funding provided by PGE, Worksystems conducted an in-depth market study to analyze the demand for skilled and diverse workers to support the industry over the next 15 years.
The study examined the:
- Volume, rate of growth, and range of occupations critical to supporting growth of transportation electrification
- Occupational needs of anchor institutions in Oregon’s electric vehicle supply chain
- Existing workforce and educational systems to determine places where meaningful training investments will support a diversified workforce prepared for these living wage jobs
Key findings of the market study include:
- Transportation electrification will drive growth in existing occupations by refocusing them to specific new technologies
- Lack of industry standardization will lead to duplication and product-specific manufacturer training
- Job growth is likely to exceed expectations
- Most of the anticipated job growth will be in electrician-related occupations
- Strategic investment in training opportunities can lead to a more diverse workforce
A skilled workforce is essential to support the growth of this important industry and ensuring that women and BIPOC communities are prepared for and have access to these job opportunities will help to advance equity in our community.
Related Files:
Transportation Electrification Workforce Market Study
Transportation Electrification Executive Summary