Manufacturing is the engine that powers our region’s economic vitality. From metals, machinery and transportation to semiconductors and green technology, the manufacturing sector in the metro area represents almost 30% of the region’s GDP. Manufacturing provides jobs, innovation and spurs productivity – giving our region an edge in the competitive global economy.

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A strong workforce is critical to this success.

We have engaged the manufacturing community to better understand their workforce issues and are designing programs and investing resources to meet their needs including:

  • Hosting events that connect industry with the workforce
  • Training current workers to improve their productivity and reduce skill gaps
  • Training new workers for manufacturing careers in industry identified occupations
  • Building the pipeline of workers by exposing youth to careers in manufacturing
  • Pursuing new training resources to address emerging needs

Over the next 10 years, the regional manufacturing sector is projected to need to replace more than 30,000 workers.

As the workforce ages, additional jobs will become available and many provide a living wage with career pathways to advancement. To ensure that we have an adequate pipeline of skilled workers ready to fill these openings, we are working directly with manufacturers to identify their workforce needs in critical occupations and designing training to meet industry specifications.

For more information on our work with the advanced manufacturing industry, contact Kelly Haines.

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