The Columbia Willamette Workforce Collaborative – comprised of the 3 workforce board in our region including Worksystems, Workforce Southwest Washington and Clackamas Workforce Partnership – is excited to announce the release of the 2021-2023 Construction Workforce Plan!

The Construction Workforce Plan outlines the priority areas that the Collaborative will focus on to support the workforce development needs of the construction industry. These priorities have been vetted and approved by industry leaders in the region, who will also evaluate and monitor progress toward completion:

  • Connect youth to jobs, training and apprenticeship opportunities in construction
  • Advance equity and diversity in the construction industry
  • Improve retention of existing apprentices and workers
  • Connect “career changers” to jobs, training and career opportunities in construction


Data shows that construction is a high-growth industry in the Portland Metro Area. In the next ten years, more than 15,000 new jobs are expected, outpacing other industries in the region. These are high-paying jobs, averaging more than $25 per hour.

Current and future building trends, both public and private, are rapidly increasing the demand for skilled tradespeople in the region. This coupled with the fact that one-fifth of the region’s current construction workforce is at or nearing retirement age creates opportunities for more people to enter the construction trades. 

Construction is one of 4 target industries of focus in our region. Along with manufacturinghealth care, and IT/tech, careers in construction offer excellent pathways to jobs paying self sufficient wages with benefits for job seekers in our region. 

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