Worksystems convenes partners, designs programs, coordinates services, and invests funds to help job seekers acquire the skills they need to support themselves and to meet the staffing needs of regional industry. The region’s public workforce development system – WorkSource Portland Metro (WSPM) – serves as our primary investment vehicle and we provide oversight to ensure the highest quality services.
Worksystems convenes and coordinates a wide array of partners connected to the WorkSource system. These include both “co-located” partners who provide services onsite at WorkSource Centers as well as organizations that are not physically onsite but have programmatic connections to WorkSource. Some are funded by Worksystems while others are separately funded and partner with WorkSource in order to provide better services through a collaborative system approach.
Two WorkSource Express Centers are satellite locations established to increase access for the downtown Portland homeless community and for pre-release services at the Washington County Jail.
WorkSource Portland Metro Locations:
We are continually working to integrate workforce programs and services funded by other partner agencies into the public system to align resources, increase efficiency, and generate better outcomes for job seekers. Through the Aligned Partner Network, we collaborate with over 20 community-based organizations to provide training and employment services for their clients through WorkSource Portland Metro, while leveraging each agency’s expertise in providing the necessary support to maximize success in our programs. This aligned approach helps move people into career-track employment through a coordinated progression of services and resources.
Visit our site to explore careers in manufacturing, health care, tech and construction!
Over 60,000 people visit WorkSource Portland Metro each year to access an array of employment and training services funded by our investments including:
- Testing for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
- Occupational skills training including internships
- Short term training for entry level careers in financal services or medical office thorugh BankWork$ and CareerWorks$
- Preparation to meet the requirements for Talent Link, a certified work-ready pool of candidates that receive priority for job placement
- Prosperity Planner and other career planning assistance
- Job readiness and resume workshops, job search and job placement
- Connection to adult basic education including ESL, GED, math and/or English and computer literacy classes
- Self paced e-learning lab and resource room
- Paid jobs and internships through PDX Metro Works
- Enrollment in the TriMet Low Income Fare program, Supplemental Food and Nutritional Program (SNAP) and other services.
- Access to Rapid Response services
Job seekers residing in designated Neighborhood Prosperity Zones can also access workforce training and employment services offered at WorkSource Portland Metro through the Workforce Navigator program.
For more information about our Adult Workforce Investments, contact Jesse Aronson.