The Columbia-Willamette Workforce Collaborative (CWWC) Releases the Opportunity Youth Report

The Columbia-Willamette Workforce Collaborative (CWWC) is a dynamic partnership of the region’s three Workforce Development Boards — Clackamas Workforce Partnership, Workforce SW Washington, and Worksystems. Together, we provide a cohesive approach to serving industries, supporting economic development, and guiding public workforce investments.
Our work includes analyzing regional labor market data, economic conditions, demographic trends, and quality-of-life indicators. These insights shape training investments, highlight emerging industries, define Quality Jobs, and align workforce supply with industry demand.
An estimated 27,200 16-to-24-year-olds in the Portland-Vancouver Metro Area served by the CWWC are neither in school nor working. This accounts for more than 11% of all youth in the region. These individuals are known as opportunity youth.
Released in October 2024, the Opportunity Youth Report explores the demographics, education, and unique barriers opportunity youth face in entering the workforce, paving the way for innovative strategies to engage young workers.