WorkSource Portland Metro

The region’s public workforce development system.

support for jobseekers

support for jobseekers

Supporting MeaningfulSustainableQuality Employment

WorkSource Portland Metro (WSPM) is the region’s foundation and primary gateway for public workforce development services. Funded through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) investments and bolstered by a variety of other public funding sources, WSPM offers resources at no cost, with the goal of assisting our customers with finding meaningful employment.

WorkSource Portland Metro Locations

Multnomah county:

Gresham Worksystems Office

18633 SE Stark St., Suite 201, Portland, OR 97233


North Northeast Worksystems Office

30 N Webster Street, Suite E, Portland, OR 97217


Southeast Portland Worksystems Office

6401 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97206


washington county:

Beaverton Hillsboro Worksystems Office

241 SW Edgeway Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006


Tigard Worksystems Office

11950 SW Garden Pl. Suite 100, Tigard, OR 97223


Exterior of building - washington county express center

215 SW Adams Ave, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123


How it works

Worksystems coordinates services, invests funds, convenes partners, designs programs, and aligns efforts to help job seekers acquire the skills they need to support themselves and to meet the staffing needs of regional businesses. We collaborate with a wide range of partners connected to the WSPM system, including co-located partners at WorkSource Centers, the Aligned Partner Network, and other organizations to provide streamlined services through a collaborative, systems approach.

Foundational Services

  • Job Search Assistance

  • Job Coaching

  • Resume Review

  • Interview Practice

  • Job Referrals

  • Resource Referrals

  • Skill Development

  • Training Opportunities

  • Internships

  • Scholarships

Additional Worksource Services

White WorkSource Portland MetroLogo

My WorkSource provides access to WorkSource Center workshops, resources to explore employment and career goals, online learning tools, resume and cover letter assistance, and job application tools.


The Prosperity Planner is a career and financial planning tool that helps people understand how much money they need to earn to be self-sufficient.

Layoff Aversion & Transition

Layoff Aversion & Transition, also known as Rapid Response, can help employers minimize or prevent layoffs, and help workers mitigate the impact of layoffs by connecting them with information on unemployment insurance, healthcare, training, counseling, and more.

worksource metro partners